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spin-up: Quickly Launch a Provisioned EC2 Attack Server

When on an engagement, sometimes we'll encounter an eager blue team hellbent on identify and blocking our attacks. Typical in those instances we'd use proxy-cannon and route through multiple (ever changing) Amazon EC2 hosts.  However, what if you send shells back to a host that is easily "burnable". Introducing spin-up: A quick tool used designed to provision EC2 hosts on the fly for engagements where you want quick listener in the cloud.

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Luckystrike: An Evil Office Document Generator.

 Luckystrike is a PowerShell based generator of malicious .xls documents (soon to be .doc). All your payloads are saved into a database for easy retrieval & embedding into a new or existing document. Luckystrike provides you several infection methods designed to get your payloads to execute without tripping AV. See the "Installation" section below for instructions on getting started.

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The Number One Pentesting Tool You're Not Using

Reporting sucks, rarely does anyone enjoy it. Serpico is a tool that helps with reporting and makes it suck less through collaboration and automation, saving you time that you’d rather spend pentesting. Serpico is easy to install and works out of the box, yet highly customizable. Automating AND customizing your reports has never been more painless.

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Invoke-SMBAutoBrute.ps1 - Smart SMB Brute Forcing

One of my favorite post-ex metasploit modules is smb_login. It's great for running a quick test using credentials you've discovered. One of the problems with it is that there is nothing that prevents you from locking out accounts. Plus, you have to create user list which means dumping users | cut | sed | awk, blah blah blah.

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Weaponizing Nessus

Once in a blue moon we come across a client that has truly done security right (or at least, tried really hard to do so). All the low hanging fruit has been trimmed: Responder doesn't work, no passwords in GPP, all systems patched up to date, no Spring2016 passwords, etc. As frustrating as this is for pentesters, it forces us to level up our game.

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VPN over DNS

Overview For some time now, we've been using DNSCat as a means to covertly transmit data during engagements where clients IDS's or Firewalls might otherwise block us.  The DNS protocol is often overlooked by system's administrators and as a result this tool has been immensely useful. And while there are a other DNS tunneling solutions […]

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Websocket Based Egress Buster

Problem It is common during a penetration test that a tester may run into the problem of figuring out which ports and maybe even which protocols are allowed out of an environment. This is due to the need for a payload to successfully establish command and control. With the adoption of layer 7 inspection for […]

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Abusing Exchange Web Service - Part 1

Outlook Web Access (OWA) has been one of the consistently viable attack vectors for pentesters and bad guys alike for many years. Frequently, an attacker will obtain valid credentials by brute forcing OWA portals exposed to the internet. Once credentials are obtained an attacker can then access the target network via any other single factor […]

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Assisted directory brute forcing

Very frequently during a web application assessment a pentester may begin by fingerprinting what web frameworks and libraries are used by a given application.  Possibly by running a tool such as blindelephant or whatweb.  Commonly though the tester may just notice a unique identifier in the web traffic or URL.  Consider the following: So simply […]

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crEAP - Harvesting Users on Enterprise Wireless Networks

With the demands of a mobile workforce, wireless networks in enterprise environments are quite common.  Typically, enterprise wireless networks employ WPA-Enterprise security features, which removes the need for preshared keys (WPA2-PSK) that float around between employees creating security concerns of sharing or unauthorized access upon termination, etc. These WPA-Enterprise (802.1x) wireless networks often make use of […]

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