Your security is only as

good as your last penetration test.

Don't get caught between tests. Get round-the-clock penetration testing and never let your guard down.

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Your security is only as

good as your last penetration test.

Why choose SynerComm?

Along with continuous coverage and vulnerability assessment, SynerComm will provide:

Expert Information Assurance Consultants

The SynerComm team includes OSCP and CISSP Certified technicians and maintains PCI QSAs on staff.

Multiple Testing Tactics

From social engineering to SQL injection and IoT/controller/hardware testing, SynerComm’s arsenal of testing tactics evolves as quickly as the landscape of network security.

Clear and Actionable Reporting

From executive summaries to prioritized risk-based action plans, easily turn SynerComm’s recommendations and findings into measurable improvements.

The Benefits of Continuous Penetration Testing

Fulfill your continuous assessment requirements and get a better ROI with more accurate data.

Extend coverage and fill gaps

Monitoring your network and external systems between tests to make sure you're protected.

See what Continuous Penetration Testing can do for your team.

Automate daily/hourly tests

Use these discoveries to trigger special purpose scanners and human-led pentests.

Pentest Playbooks

Each month, talented pentesters run manual tests to check for common and late breaking vulnerabilities.

Speed up your workflow

Quickly validate the mitigation/remediation of previously reported vulnerabilities.

Automate open source intelligence (OSINT)

Automating what machines do best, and using skilled testers for everything else.

24/7 access to your personalized real-time reporting dashboard.

Find out what you get out of pentesting: 

Watch the above clip of the SynerComm team on the ChannelBytes podcast. 

Click here for the full podcast.

Customer Service

Herd Immunity

Benefit from ongoing tests throughout SynerComm's client base. When a new vulnerability is found in one client network, the rest are tested.

Powered by our CASM Engine® 

With our Continuous Attack Surface Management engine powering our Continuous Penetration Testing products, you'll always know what assets you have that are vulnerable to an attack. Don't just perform penetration tests on the tip of your asset iceberg, know what you have, and know it's secure.