SynerComm’s Cyber Risk Quantification not only evaluates potential risks but also assigns them a financial value.

This reporting provides valuable insights into:

  • How exposed your company is to cyberattacks and risks in financial terms
  • An overview of cyber threats most likely to result in financial loss
  • Insights and recommendations on controls most effective in mitigating financial losses
  • “Stress-testing” existing cybersecurity policies in terms of different types of cyber threats
  • Valuable insights on cyber insurance and transfer of risk
  • Matching the insurance profile to the company’s level of risk

SynerComm leverages the OneSSP Risk Assessment Tool to assist companies in comprehending the potential risks they might encounter and the associated financial implications. By doing so, decision-makers can optimize their expenditures by guaranteeing that they have sufficient protection measures in place and are not over or under-insured.

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How a Cyber Risk Assessment can help your company:

Validate the impact of expenditures on security posture

Financial validation
of your
security projects

Validate the security framework to improve your security posture

Supports Cybersecurity Liability Insurance and cybersecurity project decisions with ROI

The OneSSP tool uses the same analytics as cybersecurity insurance companies to ensure the security analysis aligns with what insurance companies consider to be risks.

Managing cybersecurity is not a simple task.

It requires an understanding of regulatory requirements, insights into the systems and technologies in use, knowledge of potential threats, and an understanding of where vulnerability commonly occurs. Even then, the reality is that no one knows where the next threat may originate from or how threat actors will try to circumnavigate existing security controls. An analysis gives your organization a better starting point and understanding of the business impact of cybersecurity risks.

With security risks continually evolving, it takes a variety of skillsets to keep one step ahead of threats.

Technical, operational, and security expertise is needed to ensure peace of mind for your company’s cyber defense. SynerComm offers a depth of expertise and has a dedicated OneSSP team that can efficiently conduct a cybersecurity assessment and quantify the company’s security risk.

Understand the cost and the risk and get the most value for your spend. The SynerComm One SSP team can help you.

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