Going to DEF CON was a dream I never thought would come to fruition. I remember 2009 being in 8th grade. Reading a physical copy of the magazine Wired. Sitting in the back of parent's minivan on the way to visit family in Milwaukee, WI, and seeing pictures and reading about the largest hacking conference in the world. There were hackers getting arrested, voting machine hacking, lock picking, and hacker jeopardy. That dream came true in 2016 at DEF CON 24.
At DEF CON 31 I returned to speak at the Hardware Hacking Village. My first time speaking at DEF CON was full of anxiety, as the Sunday before flying out I was testing the hardware and I found out I ordered the ESP-01 and not the ESP-01S. I was up until 1 AM trying to get it to work anyway, but ended up putting in a last minute Amazon order (at twice the price of AliExpress) to get the ESP-01S's I needed. Thankfully the Amazon delivery arrived that Tuesday and we flew out Wednesday evening.
My talk (Introduction To Esp8266/Esp32 Microcontrollers And Building A Wi-Fi Deauthentication Detector):
TL;DR of my talk:
Slides are available here: https://twitter.com/TheL0singEdge/status/1690142545605791752
Lesson's Learned:
DEF CON 31 Tool Highlights: