Whether you’ve created your web app in-house or contracted custom development, you can never assume any application has been built with security in mind. Our AssureIT team can offer a fresh perspective, ensuring your app meets your high standards and has the security features you need to keep your business, and your customers, safe.
Web App Testing Benefits from AssureIT
Industry-Specific Experience
SynerComm is a comprehensive provider of information assurance consulting services and have worked with clients in nearly all industries. Whether you are safeguarding credit card data (PCI compliance), health information (PHI compliance), or personally identifiable information (PII compliance), we’ve got the experienced team you need to make sure your web app is secure.
More Than Automated Testing
We go beyond standard automated testing, so you get peace of mind, not just a compliance checkmark. During your assessment, our team will do a deep dive into your app’s logic and security control to make sure no stone is left unturned.
Blind or Privileged Approaches
Depending on the goals of your audit, our team will focus on either the public portions of your application (including authentication, encryption, provisioning, and session management) or opt for a deep dive into your systems from the perspective of an authenticated user. This second approach allows us to test your security by mimicking an attack3 using authenticated access.
We use the OWASP Top 10 Assessment Framework
To help ensure all our audits are comprehensive and thorough, our team follows the OWASP Top 10 framework for testing mobile and web apps.
Utilizing the OWASP Top 10 Framework
You can only benefit from the top security assessment framework if you have a team with the skills to use it
OWASP has long been the standard for web app security. Our team uses these tried-and-true methods, paired with our commitment to thorough assessments, to give you the information you need to keep your app, and its users, secure.
Safeguard your applications and your data with a comprehensive Web App Assessment from the AssureIT team
Certified professionals
SynerComm only employs highly trained and certified professionals
All our security experts are just that: experts. Our highly-trained, fully certified professionals are giants in their field and fully up to date on the latest web app threats and vulnerabilities. Our work includes
Web service and API assessments
PCI compliance for eCommerce
Denial of service and stress testing
Gain a fresh perspective, as well as concrete, actionable advice, so you can rest assured that your apps have been built to your high security standards and comply with the OWASP Top 10 framework.