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Continuous Pentesting

Beyond Vulnerability Scanning: Strengthening Perimeter Cybersecurity

Over the past 20-years, I’ve used every major vulnerability scanner. There are several great scanners on the market, and SynerComm has continually used one of them from its free GNU public license years (pre-Oct. 2005), to its current version today. As the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) of cyber-criminals evolved, our testing methodologies also adapted […]

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Continuous Pentesting and Its Many Names

Are you looking for a pentest? A continuous pentest? Or maybe attack surface management? We’ll never have a shortage of new terminology (and acronyms) to learn and understand. When evaluating security vendors and comparing their solutions, it’s critical that everyone is on the same page and speaking the same language. This article starts to shed […]

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What Does Chat GPT Think About Password Hash Assessments?

SynerComm's marketing team likes to ask our pentesters for help with their messaging. Like all good hackers, we adapt, automate and improve. So, when we asked our team for some helpful marketing messages, Dylan R. responded within seconds with this. Password security assessments are important because they help ensure that the passwords being used to […]

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Time to Upgrade from Outdated Managed Vulnerability Scanning to Continuous Attack Surface Management

Whether you are vulnerability scanning to meet compliance requirements or doing it as part of good security practices, there is a universal need. At the time of this article, there are essentially three equally capable and qualified scanning solutions. They include products from Tenable, Rapid7 and Qualys. My point is that each of these scanning solutions, if configured correctly, should produce accurate and similar results.

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In Scope or Out of Scope?

In penetration testing, it’s important to have an accurate scope and even more important to stick to it. This can be simple when the scope is limited to a company’s internet service provider (ISP) or ARIN provided IP ranges. But in many cases, our client’s public systems have grown to include multiple cloud hosted servers, applications, and services.

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SynerComm Reboots a Security Staple with 'Continuous' Pentesting

SynerComm discusses Continuous Penetration testing with Dark Reading as a part of the Black Hat USA 2020 virtual conference.

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Continuous Penetration Testing

Having been part of the penetration testing industry for over 15 years, I’ve been challenged by many clients with this very question. The fact is that they are right, a penetration test is a point-in-time assessment and new vulnerabilities are discovered every day. We hope that our patch and vulnerability management processes along with our defensive controls keep our systems secure.

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