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Attacks on Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) Explained - CypherCon 2024 Follow-up

This is a follow-up blog post from our CypherCon 2024 presentation. The slides are located here: Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) is a crucial component of many organizations' security infrastructure, responsible for public key infrastructure (PKI) and managing digital certificates. Despite its importance, AD CS can also be a target for various security […]

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Exploring Initial Access Methods #01 - Shortcuts and Tunnels to the Kingdom

Understanding the various methods and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP's) by which attackers gain initial access to systems is crucial for developing robust defense mechanisms. Initial access represents the first phase of an intrusion, where threat actors initially breach a target's defenses to establish a foothold within an organization's network. This blog series aims to […]

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Rotating Your Pentesting Vendor Is A Mistake!

Finding a great pentesting partner can be a challenge and there is much greater risk in changing firms than sticking with a partner you can trust. A good firm should have sufficient staff and work history to ensure that you can still get a new set of eyes without losing consistency or efficiency.

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Fun with AD CS from Windows Command Line

I’m a fan of full featured and weaponized C2s as much as anyone else to save time if it makes my job easier. Sometimes they can make your job harder when you’re dealing with EDR. A lot of opsec considerations come into play. Just because your C2 supports a particular feature doesn’t necessarily mean you […]

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Using API Hooking to Dump LSASS with Task Manager Undetected

There are many ways to create an LSASS dump file. One of the easiest ways is with Windows Task Manager. Simply right click the LSASS process and click “Create dump file”. This is great, except for the fact that Windows Defender will immediately flag this as malicious. Far from stealthy. Not ideal.  This raised some […]

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Executing Shellcode with Rust, AES-256, and a Gnome Photo

  Intro Disclaimer: this research is intended exclusively as an intellectual exercise and a means of making defenders aware of the simple possibilities with Rust malware. Using any of the provided tools or code is left to the discretion of the reader and I will not be held responsible. As Rust becomes increasingly popular, so […]

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Scheduled Tasks With Lucee: Abusing Built In Functionality For Command Execution

What is Lucee? Lucee is an open-source Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) application server and engine intended for rapid development and deployment. It provides a lot of out of the box functionality (tags and functions) to help build web applications. However, if an attacker has access to the Lucee dashboard, these very same functions allow […]

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What Does Chat GPT Think About Password Hash Assessments?

SynerComm's marketing team likes to ask our pentesters for help with their messaging. Like all good hackers, we adapt, automate and improve. So, when we asked our team for some helpful marketing messages, Dylan R. responded within seconds with this. Password security assessments are important because they help ensure that the passwords being used to […]

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Cloud Security - How to Find (and Fix) Hidden Vulnerabilities

Consolidating data centers, increased business agility and reduced IT system costs are a few of the benefits associated with migrating to the cloud. Add to these improved security and it makes a compelling case for cloud migration. As part of the digital transformation process, companies may implement what they consider the best tools, and have […]

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Time to Upgrade from Outdated Managed Vulnerability Scanning to Continuous Attack Surface Management

Whether you are vulnerability scanning to meet compliance requirements or doing it as part of good security practices, there is a universal need. At the time of this article, there are essentially three equally capable and qualified scanning solutions. They include products from Tenable, Rapid7 and Qualys. My point is that each of these scanning solutions, if configured correctly, should produce accurate and similar results.

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